CD: Darren Wright
CD: Dave Skinner
AD/Designer: Jen Ma
CW: Kevin Breen
Sr. Producer: Brian Cripe
Director: Jason Guerrero
Production: Taylor James
Citizens Bank featuring Zelle
Thanks to technology, millennials expect everything they do to be instantaneous and no more than a few clicks away on their phone – where they shop, chat, eat, date, even send and receive money. To show millennials that Citizens Bank gets them, and is just as mobile-savvy as them, we introduce Zelle to them via a fun campaign that lives in the mobile screen called “Zelle is Faster Than...”

Facebook Canvas
We created a speed contest in a series of three comparative and entertaining video challenges. It’s Zelle vs. ______, and our millennial ambassador will encourage users to watch the speed contest.
Instagram Stories
In this story, we follow a group of millennials attempting to create a trending boomerang – the group jump, (which, if you’ve ever attempted is extremely hard to nail perfectly all at once). In each frame, they will struggle as they all try to arrive in the air at the most significant moment.